Sunday, November 2, 2008

Audrey's story

As we prepare for the trip we thought we'd take a second and record Audrey's story. She was born on June 27, 2007 in Qinzhou. She was found abandoned at the gate of No. 82 Zhongshan road the next day. After searching for her birth parents she was then adopted into the Social Welfare Institute of Qinzhou City on July 28.

Audrey Min is a special needs baby. Avoiding all the technical terms, she was born with a tiny (couple millimeter) hole in her heart. There's a clinic at Oregon Health and Science University that reviewed all her medical records and the doctors believe that everything will be fine with her heart. We also believe this to be true, but are prepared to help her through whatever she needs. She's scheduled for an appointment with a heart specialist in the first week that we're home.

Because of her special need, after a few months in the orphanage she was moved to a foster care setting (Sept 19). We're incredibly appreciative of this and of the foster family. Our understanding is that everything is coordinated by the orphanage so we don't know at this point if we'll meet the foster parents or not.

We've received a little bit of information about her food and sleep schedule. A lot of congee (similar to rice cereal) and she sleeps with the foster mom, so we have a bit of transition in front of us!

She's a very special baby girl, and we're so excited to meet her soon.

1 comment:

MB said...

Wow! I just googled our daughter, Audrey Min Davies' orphanage, The Welfare Instiitute of Qinzhou City, and found your blog. I got shivers..not only are our daughters from the same orphanage, with birthdays in the same month But they have the SAME name!!! See our blog here:
unbelievable. I am eager to read more of your story.
Maribeth Davies